The individuals listed below are hereby authorized and designated to accept service of process of lawsuits filed in federal and state courts in which the Jekyll Island State Park Authority is named as a defendant. Except as listed below, no other individual is authorized to accept the service of process. If neither I nor any individual listed below is present and available to accept service of process, then the process server should be instructed to return at a later time.
Pursuant to Georgia Senate Bill 74, Section 3-1 I designate the following JIA employees to accept service of process:
- Zachary B. Harris, General Counsel
- Noel Jensen, Deputy Executive Director
- Jenna Johnson, Director of Human Resources
- Marjorie Johnson, Chief Accounting Officer
The office address for the above designees is the JIA Administration Building, 100 James Road, Jekyll Island, Georgia 31527. If you have any questions about this memorandum, please contact Zachary Harris »