The Jekyll Island Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) summarizes the existing and proposed initiatives aimed at managing the watersheds on Jekyll Island. The WPP describes a suite of activities including long-term water quality and biological monitoring, and strategies for pollution identification, prevention, and public education. The WPP is part of a three-part watershed assessment process mandated by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for the Water Pollution Control Program (WPCP) and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit renewal.
A Watershed Assessment preceded the development of the WPP. During the Watershed Assessment, water quality and biological sampling and analyses were conducted at five freshwater and saline stream stations throughout Jekyll Island. The Watershed Assessment report was approved by the EPD on July 24, 2014. The WPP utilizes the findings of the water quality and biological monitoring conducted during the Watershed Assessment to establish initiatives including watershed best management practices (BMPs) within the jurisdictional limits of the JIA. In addition to fulfilling the deliverables outlined by EPA, we can use the results of the different sampling methods to determine the overall health of Jekyll Island waterways. This assessment will allow us to adaptively manage watersheds on Jekyll Island and to create and enhance existing habitats for aquatic flora and fauna.